Because Trisoplast is used for different projects within various markets, you will find our product all over the world. Our work in France's Centre-Val de Loire is a fine example. Here, we contributed to bringing an ancient canal back into use.
The Canal d'Orléans is a canal in the French Centre-Val de Loire region. It connects the Loire with the Canal du Loing near Corquilleroy. Construction started in 1680 and the canal was opened for navigation in 1693. The waterway has a total of 28 locks and forms the southern part of the connection between the Loire and Seine rivers. Although it was closed to navigation in 1954, the canal should be fully open again by 2020. The opening of a first section started in 2007. Trisoplast provided the sealing of the bottom.
Because the canal section had not been in use for so long - and had not been maintained as such - it suffered a lot of water loss. To meet the high water-impermeability requirements, a rock-solid, water tight product had to be found. Trisoplast's highly insulating properties ultimately ensured that water loss was virtually zero. Our French licensee Gilles Mulder was involved in applying the bottom layer from Trisoplast: 'We are very proud of the final result. Especially since using other sealing options - such as foil - proved almost impossible here. There was a rough surface with lots of sharp stones and the entire length had to be connected to both the old stone wall and the new concrete wall on the other side. Trisoplast connects excellently to the various wall structures and can deal with rough sub-surfaces. It was then covered again with, again, sharper stone-like material that stays with the eddies of water. Last but not least: we completed the project in a very short time.'